Hello Everyone,
How is everybody during these very difficult times of the pandemic? I know for me it's making me go stir crazy, I have been getting up on a morning not knowing what to do with myself and then just don't know what each day is going to bring. I do want to try and get out and bring new content to the website and social media but I'm just unsure as to what I can do. Everyone is in the same difficult position of not being allowed to go out of the house unless it is absolutely necessary to do so. I do hope that this will change very soon and everything will go back to normal for the sake of my boredom.
Seriously though we have only gone into lockdown for the British people's benefit and our government has only done this to keep us all safe and reduce the spread of this awful disease and not just that but to protect our wonderful National Health Service which is doing an absolutely amazing job in caring for those in desperate need of care.
Our front line workers in the NHS are just absolutely amazing and do they deserve a reward? Yes, they do, without those front line workers, we would be in a position where there would be many more people dying of this horrible disease.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to address the matter of why I have had to postpone and close my booking side of my business. I have done this following our Prime Minister Boris Johnson's enforcement of a lockdown. I have not taken this decision lightly as I love what my business provides. Even though I am closed does not mean my emails are open for requesting a callback about a future booking or they are also open for those who just need a chat to take away the boredom because I know from my perspective I'm going stir crazy.
It will all be over soon!!!
Stay Very Safe Everyone, Protect the NHS. Save Lives.
Jack Fleming
Managing Director-Jack Fleming Photography
Drop me an email at jack@jackfleming-photography.co.uk